Interview Report – UCLA Anderson

I just finished my Skype interview with a 2nd year student at UCLA Anderson.Β It was super friendly and the interviewer really put me at ease before we started. I think the interview went well. Keeping my fingers crossed. I have a good feeling about Anderson – I hope Anderson feels the same way about me. πŸ˜€

As for interview questions, they were pretty standard:

1) Walk me through your resume.

2) Tell me about a time you led a team. [I probably could have used a better example here – he asked me multiple follow-up questions on how I did what I did.]

3) Why MBA? Why now?

4) Why UCLA Anderson? [When I mentioned interacting with current students/alumni, the interviewer asked for specific names of students I connected with. It turned out that one of the students I talked to was a close friend of the interviewer!]

5) Plan B if my current goals do not materialize

6) Leadership Style

7) What do you do outside of work?

That was pretty much the crux of the conversation we had. He asked follow-up questions to some of my answers, especially about my interests outside of work. πŸ™‚Β I asked him a few questions at the end of the interview and he shared his email ID with me so that I can reach out to him in the future with any questions I might have. It was a positive experience overall, and to those applicants with interviews coming up, I have just one piece of advice – just relax and be yourself. It’s a really laid back interview – treat this as you would any interaction with a current student – an opportunity to get to know more about Anderson and to showcase your enthusiasm for the school.

If any of you would like to talk more about Anderson or have any specific questions about my interview experience, do let me know!

EDIT: People preparing for theΒ interview or waiting for an invite should read this blog by the UCLA Anderson Admissions team. I think it’ll put some people’s mind at ease.

13 thoughts on “Interview Report – UCLA Anderson

  1. Sounds like a perfect interview! For me, the important take away was: Make sure you remember the names of people you spoke to before you interview with a current student! I would have definitely fumbled because who I am terrible at names. But hey, that worked out so well for you. I’m super positive about your chances now!

    Liked by 1 person

    • That is definitely a good takeaway. I’m going to edit the post a little while later and add this as a key point along with other takeaways! πŸ™‚ I’m tentatively positive too! Let’s wait and watch.


  2. woohoo! πŸ˜€ That sounds pretty good to me.. And yes, I need to note the names of students I contact! πŸ˜€
    Thank you so much for this!!


  3. I am glad to hear that you had a good interview experience! I am looking forward to hearing how the rest of the application process unfolds for you. Good luck!

    P.S. You should choose Anderson… not that I am biased or anything.

    -James – Current Anderson student πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi James, Great to hear from you! Your posts on GMATClub were incredibly helpful while I was putting together my application for Anderson and preparing for the interview. Thanks for being so supportive!

      I sure am feeling a lot of love from Anderson πŸ™‚ and would love to join if I get in. Let’s see how things unfold – I’ll keep you posted!


  4. Hi Vandana

    Congrats on all 3 admits! πŸ™‚

    Could you please also share the interview report of Tepper School? I had applied to Tepper in Round 2 and I have received an interview invite. Your Tepper interview report will be really helpful for all R2 candidates to prepare for the interview.


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